Modility ist von der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) als Finalist beim Deutschen Logistik-Preis 2023 ausgezeichnet worden! 🎉   –>   Learn more

Ausgezeichnet: Modility ist jetzt „Arbeitgeber der Zukunft“

Modility has been recognized by the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization as a pioneer for future-oriented working conditions in the logistics industry. This means that our tech start-up can now officially bear the "Employer of the Future" seal for one year. Here is a summary of what this means in practice.

The competition for qualified professionals is more intense than ever, especially in the logistics sector. Modility Managing Director Hendrik-Emmanuel Eichentopf is aware of the challenges involved in talent acquisition: "When it comes to employer branding, relying solely on the start-up joker is no longer sufficient these days. Employees expect more than just a fruit basket and a dartboard. We take on the competition for first-class talents - and, in addition to relevant benefits, this includes above all modern management, individual support and further training, innovative working methods and a modern working environment. We are therefore delighted that our commitment in these areas has now also been recognized in the form of an established employer seal."

Comprehensive analysis included five criteria

In the comprehensive analysis process, which included customer and employee evaluations as well as an online questionnaire, Modility was examined and evaluated on the basis of five key criteria:


  • Modern leadership: Contemporary leadership practices and thus the promotion of an agile and effective corporate culture


  • Innovative strength: Focus on continuous innovation and significant contribution to the further development of the industry


  • State of digital transformation: Pioneer in the use of modern technologies to offer customers and employees the best solutions


  • Employee friendliness: Valuing employees and creating a pleasant working environment


  • Recruiting strategies: Effective recruiting strategies to attract and retain the best talents in the long term


The award of the seal was then based on the evaluation score calculated from Modility's assessments in these areas.

Employee motivation and employer branding combined

But why is it so important to be an employer of the future? The seal recognizes companies that stand out through innovation, digital excellence and an attractive working environment. It not only serves to motivate and retain employees, but also strengthens the company's position in recruiting and employer branding. It is a clear signal to potential employees that Modility is committed to modern, sustainable and digital working conditions.
